Leslie Morris Noyes - Willing Book Cover

Contemporary romance
with a delicious, sexy edge.

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Here you can find an excerpt from Willing, a fun, sexy, novel about a wedding photographer who thinks she knows everything there is know about being happy—only to discover, at the age of forty-five, that there is a lot more to learn.

You can also explore some of the places that inspired scenes from the novel, and learn a little a bit about me.


Leslie Morris Noyes - Willing - Bedroom
If you’ve had your heart broken as badly as I have—the kind of broken that forever after leaves an abrasion to ooze fresh blood if you’re stupid enough to even glance at it—well then, you understand why I’m content to leave love out of the relationship equation. After my last disastrous love affair five years ago, I slammed the door with the valentine pinned on it and nailed it closed for good. I haven’t regretted it, not even once.

I’m content. Or rather, I was content until C. made his entrance.

Willing   |   READ AN EXCERPT

Leslie Noyes - Author Bio Photo

Leslie Morris Noyes is art director and writer living in Southern Vermont. Her writing is inspired by her adventures in love. She currently shares her home with a small inherited dog, who may be a Poodle and Cairn Terrier mix, or something else entirely. When she isn’t designing magazines, Leslie is texting with her daughters, sending overlong emails to friends, or plotting her next novel while also fighting a losing battle against the clutter on her desk.



Not the Usual Diner

Not the Usual Diner

The first thing d was that the entire parking lot was covered in old pieces of carpet …



The ground turns a deep periwinkle blue in spring as a carpet of Chionodoxa bloom …

The Grandpoodle

The Grandpoodle

If you ever told me—rugged Vermont individualist I consider myself to be—that I would walk a dog dressed in coat and boots, I would have taken offense.